Arab Defence Journal
ARAB DEFENCE JOURNAL is the only monthly Arabic defence magazine. The magazine has been published since 1976 and with an independently-audited paid circulation of 24,831 (ABC Audit Jul-Dec 2005) it is read by Arab government ministers and advisors, as well as the senior military and police officers throughout the Arab world. For 30 years, ARAB DEFENCE JOURNAL has been the primary Arabic source of information on defense matters in the Arab world. Each month, the magazine reports on news and current affairs from the Middle East and around the world, along with features on aerospace, naval and land systems. ARAB DEFENCE JOURNAL also publishes articles on defence electronics, C4ISR, computers & communication equipment, training and system integration as well as police and public security issues, with the latest strategic analysis. Please read the following pages for more information. Gen. (R) Fawzi Abou Farhat- Editor-in Chief
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