Seapower Magazine
Seapower magazine and the Almanac of Seapower (published in January) are the official publications of the Navy League of the United States (NLUS). Procurement decision-makers in the defense market, senior officials of the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and U.S. Flag Merchant Marine, Congress, and the Departments of Defense and Transportation read Seapower magazine. Seapower is the only audited monthly magazine that focuses exclusively on the nation's maritime defense news. Each issue's editorial content is geared toward updating sea service personnel, procurement specialists, executives in the defense industry, and decision-makers on Capitol Hill. Seapower publishes a diverse range of authoritative and informative articles to educate the American people, their elected representatives, and industry on the need for robust naval and maritime forces. Feature interviews and articles -- authored by respected experts in their fields and senior uniformed and civilian officials -- document key developments in major ship, aircraft, weapons, and doctrinal programs. Monthly feature columns also convey current news relating to major naval policy and political developments, the sea services, the U.S. industrial base, and international developments. Seapower Magazine: Advertising How do decision-makers and leaders in the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Merchant Marine keep informed and knowledgeable about the technologies, systems programs, weapons, and equipment of the defense industry of tomorrow? They read SEA POWER ! Seapower is the only audited monthly magazine that focuses exclusively on the nation's naval and maritime-defense priorities. Each issue's editorial content is geared toward updating sea service personnel, procurement specialists, executives in the defense industry, and decision-makers on Capitol Hill. Seapower publishes a diverse range of authoritative and informative articles to educate the American people, their elected representatives, and industry on the need for robust naval and maritime forces. Feature interviews and articles authored by respected experts in their field and senior uniformed and civilian officials document key developments in major ship, aircraft, weapons, and doctrinal programs. Monthly feature columns also convey current news relating to major naval policy and political developments, the sea services, the U.S. industrial base, and international developments. When you advertise in Seapower magazine, you gain exposure to the top leaders in the defense industry.
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