CBRN Defence Market 2010-2020

CBRN Defence Market 2010-2020

• Publication date: 26/02/2010
• Number of Pages: 127


Report Details:

Our latest defence report - CBRN Defence Market 2010-2020 - explores and analyses the substantial business opportunities presented by one of the most significant markets in the defence and homeland security sector. Our study examines the leading markets for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) defence products and services, as well as assessing the factors that are driving sales growth around the world.

Visiongain's analysis has concluded that CBRN defence products are a very significant market with worldwide spending totalling $7.9bn in 2009.

We examine the commercial prospects for companies involved in supplying CBRN detection, protection and decontamination systems, as well as training services, to the global marketplace. This analytical report defines the current state of the CBRN defence market and discusses its potential for growth from 2010 onwards, with detailed sales forecasting carried out at both global and regional levels.

We analyse the combination of drivers and restraints that are resulting in increasing sales around the world. We also examine the most promising areas of technological development that are likely to affect procurement decisions over our forecast period.

Incidents such as the Sarin attack on the Tokyo subway in 1995 and the Anthrax campaign in the US in 2001 show that CBRN terrorism poses a grave threat. According to the 'Annual Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community for the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence', which was released in February 2010, US intelligence agencies believe that if Al-Qaeda can develop CBRN capabilities it will use them to attack Western targets.

How are major economies preparing their civilian and military personnel to respond to CBRN attacks? Which regions offer the most significant growth opportunities between 2010 and 2020? To what extent is the perception of the threat of terrorism driving sales of CBRN defence systems? How are strategies for responding to chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear attacks being adapted to meet changing requirements?

Visiongain answers these critical questions and many more through the in-depth analyses that are presented in this report.

A comprehensive analysis of the CBRN defence market:

CBRN Defence Market 2010-2020 examines the global market for products and services related to CBRN defence from an impartial standpoint. We offer a review of significant civilian and military CBRN contracting activity based on our analysis of information obtained from multiple sources.

The report draws on a rich combination of official corporate and governmental announcements, media reports, policy documents, industry statements and an extensive gathering of expert opinion from experienced industry figures.

CBRN Defence Market 2010-2020 provides detailed sales forecasts for the global market and regional submarkets; a SWOT analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats; discussions of commercial and technological trends; and assessments of the most important market drivers and restraints. This report also includes transcripts of seven in-depth interviews with industry experts. This package of analyses cannot be obtained anywhere else.

Why you should buy CBRN Defence Market 2010-2020:

The main benefits you can derive from purchasing this report are:
• You will come to understand the current state of the global CBRN defence market and form a clear vision of how it is set to develop, based on our market forecasts for 2010 to 2020.
• You will be able to examine our detailed global sales forecasts, as well as sales forecasts for regional submarkets.
• You will gain an insight into the CBRN defence market’s potential for further sales growth by examining the key commercial drivers and restraints.
• You will learn how governments are preparing civilian and military specialists to respond to incidents involving CBRN materials.
• You will find out how the leading players in the CBRN defence market are performing, with accompanying analysis of recent contract awards.
• You will be able to appreciate the range of factors affecting market growth with our assessment of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
• You will learn what seven industry experts think the future holds by reading original interviews that cover a wide range of pertinent topics.

The global CBRN defence market is expected to continue to see significant sales growth in 2010 and beyond. Visiongain forecasts increasing demand for equipment used by CBRN responders, both military and civilian. Extensive training programmes are also required to prepare personnel to respond effectively. CBRN detection, protection and decontamination systems are set to be adopted more widely around the world, particularly in the fast-growing Asia-Pacific market.

You can order this report today. Anyone with an interest in the future procurement of CBRN defence equipment and implementation of training programmes in the civilian and military sectors cannot afford to miss out on acquiring the combination of information and insight that only this new report can provide.

Gain an understanding of how to tap into the potential of this important market by ordering CBRN Defence Market 2010-2020.

Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary

2. Introduction to CBRN
2.1 CBRN Threats
2.2 Chemical Agents
2.2.1 Blister Agents
2.2.2 Blood Agents
2.2.3 Choking Agents
2.2.4 Nerve Agents
2.2.5 Toxic Industrial Chemicals
2.3 Biological Agents
2.3.1 Anthrax
2.3.2 Botulism
2.3.3 Ricin
2.4 Radiological Dispersal Device
2.5 Improvised Nuclear Device
2.6 Delivery Methods
2.7 Personal Protection Equipment
2.8 Emergency Response Process
2.9 Recent CBRN Incidents
2.9.1 Sarin: Japan, 1995
2.9.2 Anthrax: US, 2001
2.10 The Benefits of This Report
2.11 Methods

3. The Global CBRN Defence Market

4. Leading Regional CBRN Defence Markets
4.1 North American CBRN Defence Market
4.1.1 US Department of Homeland Security
4.1.2 US DHS Office of Health Affairs
4.1.3 US DHS Science and Technology Directorate
4.1.4 US DHS Domestic Nuclear Detection Office
4.1.5 US Department of Health and Human Services
4.1.6 US Department of Defense
4.1.7 US Defense Threat Reduction Agency
4.1.8 US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
4.1.9 US Army
4.2 European CBRN Defence Market
4.3 Asia-Pacific CBRN Defence Market
4.4 Rest of the World CBRN Defence Market

5. SWOT Analysis of the CBRN Defence Market
5.1 Strengths
5.1.1 Continuing Demand for CBRN Equipment
5.1.2 Awareness of Consequences
5.1.3 Constant Threat of Terrorist Attacks
5.1.4 Research Funding Driving Technological Development
5.2 Weaknesses
5.2.1 CBRN Defence Considered a Low Priority
5.2.2 Response Plans Lack Co-ordination
5.2.3 Uncertain Global Economic Outlook
5.3 Opportunities
5.3.1 Shift to Equipping Civilian First-Responders
5.3.2 Increasing Adoption of CBRN Systems
5.3.3 Training a Wider Community
5.4 Threats
5.4.1 Complacent Attitudes to CBRN Terrorism
5.4.2 Budgetary Constraints
5.4.3 Delaying Uptake While Products Mature

6. Expert Opinion
6.1 Hot Zone Solutions GmbH: Dieter Rothbacher, Managing Director
6.1.1 Identifying a Need for Live-Agent Training
6.1.2 Increasing Focus on Training Civilian Responders
6.1.3 Building Confidence in Protective Equipment
6.1.4 Training With Own Equipment
6.1.5 Strict Rules for Live Training
6.1.6 Terrorist Threat Determines Business Success
6.1.7 Responsibility Shifts from Military to Civilian Agencies
6.1.8 European First-Responders Seek Live-Agent Training
6.1.9 Importance of Hands-On Experience
6.2 Building Protection Systems Inc: Mike Welden, Senior Vice-President for Homeland Security
6.2.1 Protecting Buildings from Airborne CBRN Releases
6.2.2 Circulating Air Requires Constant Monitoring
6.2.3 Guarding Public Gathering Places
6.2.4 Insufficient Preparations for CBRN Attack in the US
6.2.5 Economic Downturn Hampers Adoption
6.2.6 CBRN Attack Would Boost Industry
6.3 Kärcher Futuretech GmbH: Dietrich Stille, Export Manager
6.3.1 Developing CBRN Decontamination Systems
6.3.2 Custom Solutions for Military and Civilian Users
6.3.3 Worldwide Decontamination Business
6.3.4 Multiple Institutions Take Part in CBRN Defence
6.3.5 Germany Procures Tactical Decontamination Equipment
6.3.6 Assessment of European Preparations for CBRN Terrorism
6.3.7 Detection, Leadership and Hardware
6.3.8 Priority Remains Low Despite Threat
6.4 Zephyr Technology Ltd: Steven Small, Business Development Spokesperson
6.4.1 Monitoring Capability for Personnel in Hazardous Environments
6.4.2 Adapted For Military Use
6.4.3 Increasing Acceptance in the Market
6.4.4 Expanded Capabilities for Mainstream Responders
6.5 Intelagard Inc: Lorraine Cope, Director of Marketing
6.5.1 Biological and Chemical Decontamination Systems
6.5.2 Terrorist Threat Remains Serious
6.5.3 Advantages of Foam-Based Decontamination
6.5.4 Time to Purchase CBRN Protection and Decontamination Tools
6.5.5 Politics Determine Market's Fortunes
6.5.6 Future Areas of Technological Development
6.6 Zistos Corporation: Bob Levine, President
6.6.1 Inspection and Tactical Surveillance of Dangerous Areas
6.6.2 Sensing Radiological Threats from a Distance
6.6.3 International Markets Provide Important Sources of Business
6.6.4 Wide Range of Customers
6.6.5 Quick Reaction to Customer Requirements
6.6.6 CBRN Sensors Become More Accurate
6.7 Immediate Response Technologies: John McMullen, Executive Vice-President
6.7.1 Leading Provider of Decontamination Shelters and Tents
6.7.2 Deploying CBRN Shelters for Disaster Relief
6.7.3 Hospitals Make Use of Shelters for H1N1 Triage
6.7.4 US First-Responders Acquire CBRN Equipment
6.7.5 CBRN Suits Become Lighter and More Durable

7. Leading CBRN Defence Companies
7.1 Argon Electronics LLP
7.2 Avon Protection
7.3 Blücher GmbH
7.4 Bruhn NewTech Group
7.5 Building Protection Systems Inc
7.6 Defentect
7.7 Environics Oy
7.8 Hot Zone Solutions GmbH
7.9 ICx Technologies Inc
7.10 Immediate Response Technologies
7.11 Intelagard Inc
7.12 Kärcher Futuretech GmbH
7.13 Lion Apparel Inc
7.14 Mine Safety Appliances Company
7.15 OWR GmbH
7.16 Proengin
7.17 Radiation Monitoring Devices Inc
7.18 RAE Systems Inc
7.19 Remploy Frontline
7.20 Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics
7.21 Smiths Detection
7.22 Tradeways Ltd
7.23 Zephyr Technology Ltd
7.24 Zistos Corporation

8. Conclusions
8.1 Global Demand in the CBRN Defence Market
8.2 Drivers of Growth in the CBRN Defence Market
8.2.1 The Threat of CBRN Terrorism
8.2.2 The Shift to Civilian Responsibility for CBRN Response
8.3 Restraints on Growth in the CBRN Defence Market
8.3.1 Complacent Attitudes to CBRN Resilience
8.3.2 Economic Conditions Putting Pressure on Budgets
8.4 Growth Opportunities in the CBRN Defence Market

9. Glossary

List of Tables and Figures
Table 3.1 Global CBRN Defence Market 2010-2020 ($m, % AGR)
Table 3.2 Global CBRN Defence Market CAGR (%) 2010-2020, 2010-2015, 2015-2020
Table 3.3 Regional CBRN Defence Markets 2010-2020 ($m, % AGR)
Table 3.4 Regional CBRN Defence Market Share, 2009 vs. 2020 (%)
Table 3.5 Regional CBRN Defence Market CAGR (%) 2010-2020, 2010-2015, 2015-2020
Table 4.1 North American CBRN Defence Market 2010-2020 ($m, % AGR)
Table 4.2 North American CBRN Defence Market CAGR (%) 2010-2020, 2010-2015, 2015-2020
Table 4.3 US CBRN Defence Market 2010-2020 ($m, % AGR)
Table 4.4 US CBRN Defence Market CAGR (%) 2010-2020, 2010-2015, 2015-2020
Table 4.5 US DHS Office of Health Affairs Project Funding FY08-FY10 ($m)
Table 4.6 US DHS Science and Technology Directorate Funding FY08-FY10 ($m)
Table 4.7 US DHS Domestic Nuclear Detection Office Funding FY08-FY10 ($m)
Table 4.8 US DoD Chemical and Biological Defense Program RDT&E FY08-FY10 ($m)
Table 4.9 US DoD Chemical and Biological Defense Program RDT&E FY08-FY10 (%)
Table 4.10 US DoD Chemical and Biological Defense Program Sales FY08-FY10 ($m)
Table 4.11 US DoD Chemical and Biological Defense Program Sales FY08-FY10 (%)
Table 4.12 US Defense Threat Reduction Agency RDT&E FY08-FY10 ($m)
Table 4.13 US DARPA Biological Warfare Defense RDT&E FY08-FY10 ($m)
Table 4.14 European CBRN Defence Market 2010-2020 ($m, % AGR)
Table 4.15 European CBRN Defence Market CAGR (%) 2010-2020, 2010-2015, 2015-2020
Table 4.16 Asia-Pacific CBRN Defence Market 2010-2020 ($m, % AGR)
Table 4.17 Asia-Pacific CBRN Defence Market CAGR (%) 2010-2020, 2010-2015, 2015-2020
Table 4.18 Rest of the World CBRN Defence Market 2010-2020 ($m, % AGR)
Table 4.19 Rest of the World CBRN Defence Market CAGR (%) 2010-2020, 2010-2015, 2015-2020
Table 5.1 SWOT Analysis of the CBRN Defence Market 2010-2020

Figure 3.1 Global CBRN Defence Market 2010-2020 ($m)
Figure 3.2 Regional CBRN Defence Markets 2010-2020 ($m)
Figure 3.3 Regional CBRN Defence Market Share, 2009 (%)
Figure 3.4 Regional CBRN Defence Market Share, 2020 (%)
Figure 3.5 Regional CBRN Defence Market CAGR (%) 2010-2020
Figure 4.1 North American CBRN Defence Market 2010-2020 ($m)
Figure 4.2 US CBRN Defence Market 2010-2020 ($m)
Figure 4.3 US DHS Office of Health Affairs Project Funding FY08-FY10 ($m)
Figure 4.4 US DHS Science and Technology Directorate Funding FY08-FY10 ($m)
Figure 4.5 US DHS Domestic Nuclear Detection Office Funding FY08-FY10 ($m)
Figure 4.6 US DoD Chemical and Biological Defense Program RDT&E FY08-FY10 ($m)
Figure 4.7 US DoD Chemical and Biological Defense Program RDT&E FY08 (%)
Figure 4.8 US DoD Chemical and Biological Defense Program RDT&E FY09 (%)
Figure 4.9 US DoD Chemical and Biological Defense Program RDT&E FY10 (%)
Figure 4.10 US DoD Chemical and Biological Defense Program Sales FY08-FY10 ($m)
Figure 4.11 US DoD Chemical and Biological Defense Program Sales FY08 (%)
Figure 4.12 US DoD Chemical and Biological Defense Program Sales FY09 (%)
Figure 4.13 US DoD Chemical and Biological Defense Program Sales FY10 (%)
Figure 4.14 US Defense Threat Reduction Agency RDT&E FY08-FY10 ($m)
Figure 4.15 US DARPA Biological Warfare Defense RDT&E FY08-FY10 ($m)
Figure 4.16 European CBRN Defence Market 2010-2020 ($m)
Figure 4.17 Asia-Pacific CBRN Defence Market 2010-2020 ($m)
Figure 4.18 Rest of the World CBRN Defence Market 2010-2020 ($m)

Companies Listed:

AeroVironment Inc
Applied Research Associates Inc (ARA)
Argon Electronics LLP
Avon Protection
Avon Rubber Plc
Blücher GmbH
Bruhn NewTech Group
Building Protection Systems Inc (BPSI)
Dynasil Corporation
Électricité de France (EDF)
Environics Oy
Gaz de France (GDF)
Hankuk Communication Company
Hot Zone Solutions GmbH
ICx Analytical Instruments
ICx BioDefense
ICx Technologies Inc
Immediate Response Technologies (IRT)
Intelagard Inc
Intermarine SpA
International Architects Atelier Inc
Kärcher Futuretech GmbH
KCI Construction Company
Lion Apparel Inc
Median Communications
Mine Safety Appliances Company (MSA)
OWR Group
Radiation Monitoring Devices Inc (RMD)
RAE Systems Inc
Raytheon Company
Remploy Frontline
SafetyTech International Inc (STI)
Saint-Gobain Group
Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics
Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics, Protective Systems
Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)
Smiths Detection
Smiths Group Plc
Splinternet Holdings Inc
Systems Consultant Services Ltd
Temet Group
Tradeways Ltd
TVI Corporation
Zephyr Technology Ltd
Zistos Corporation

Government Agencies and Organisations Mentioned in This Report
Aum Shinrikyo
Australian Defence Force (ADF)
Bulgarian Army
Canadian Department of National Defence (DND)
Canadian Forces (CF)
Center for Defense Information
Covenant, the Sword and the Arm of the Lord (CSA)
European Defence Agency (EDA)
Finnish Navy
Fire Department, City of New York (FDNY)
French Army
French Centre d'Etudes du Bouchet
French Ministry of Defence (MoD)
Hungarian Ministry of Defence (MoD)
Indian Army
Indonesian Special Forces
Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO)
New York City Police Department (NYPD)
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service
Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance
Omani Ministry of Defence (MoD)
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
Robert Koch Institute
Slovenian Army
Spanish Ministry of Defence (MoD)
Spanish Ministry of Defence (MoD), La Marañosa Institute of Technology
UK Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl)
UK Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), Porton Down
UK Metropolitan Police Service
UK Ministry of Defence (MoD)
UK Security Service (MI5)
United Nations (UN)
United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC)
United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM)
University of Michigan
US Agency for International Development
US Air Force (USAF)
US Army
US Army 20th Support Command (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and High Yield Explosives - CBRNE)
US Army 48th Chemical Brigade
US Army 52nd Ordnance Group (EOD)
US Army 71st Ordnance Group (EOD)
US Army CBRNE Analytical and Remediation Activity (CARA)
US Army Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear School
US Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center
US Army Forces Command
US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID)
US Army National Guard
US Army Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation (PEO STRI)
US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
US Coast Guard (USCG)
US Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
US Defense Logistics Agency
US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA)
US Department of Defense (DoD)
US Department of Energy
US Department of Energy, Argonne National Laboratory
US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR)
US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Office of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA)
US Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO)
US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD)
US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Office of Health Affairs (OHA)
US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Science and Technology Directorate (S&T Directorate)
US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Science and Technology Directorate (S&T Directorate), Chemical and Biological Countermeasure Division
US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Science and Technology Directorate (S&T Directorate), Explosives Division
US Department of Justice
US Department of State
US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
US Joint Task Force for Elimination of Weapons of Mass Destruction (JTF-E)
US National Biosurveillance Integration Center (NBIC)
US National Guard Civil Support Team (CST)
US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
US Navy (USN)
US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)
US Pentagon Force Protection Agency (PFPA)
US Senate
US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence
Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA)
World Health Organization (WHO)


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CBRN Defence Market 2010-2020

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