ATLAS ELEKTRONIK GmbH2006-11-01 14:29:39
ATLAS Hydrographic was awarded by the Spanish CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES
ATLAS Hydrographic was awarded by the Spanish CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES (CSIC) for delivery, installation and training of a high-resolution multi-beam system for the new research vessel B/O SARMIENTO DE GAMBOA. The ordered ATLAS Integrated Survey Sensor System comprises of ATLAS HYDROSWEEP DS (15.5 kHz) for deep-sea investigations and ATLAS HYDROSWEEP MD/50 (50 kHz) for medium depth surveys as well as various auxiliary hardware and software components.
The SARMIENTO DE GAMBOA will be operated by CSIC's marine section CENTRO MEDITERRANEO DE INVESTIGACIONES MARINAS Y AMBIENTALES (CMIMA) for oceanographic research. The ATLAS HYDROSWEEP multi-beam echosounders can be used to map the seabed's bathymetry for all waters as shallow as 5 m, to the continental margins, down to the ocean's basins and the deep ocean trenches. In parallel to bathymetric and backscatter data recording, dedicated workstations with ATLAS PARASTORE software installed will enable real-time water-column data acquisition and visualisation.
The 1° x 1° aperture transducers of both new third generation ATLAS HYDROSWEEP units will be installed into a gondola. Within the gondola, various other hydro-acoustic equipment will be fit, including the deep-water parametric sub-bottom profiler ATLAS PARASOUND, which has been ordered within a second contract from CSIC as well.
The ATLAS PARASOUND parametric sub-bottom profiler can be used to investigate sediments at very high resolution for shallow waters as well as for full ocean depth.
With the installation the ATLAS PARASOUND, ATLAS Hydrographic maintains its image as reliable supplier of sophisticated scientific hydro-acoustic solutions for oceanography and marine geo-science. ATLAS Hydrographic introduces various new features specifically optimised for scientific users, which make the ATLAS HYDROSWEEP / PARASOUND family the choice for the next generation of research vessels. Examples for such features are: Marine Mammal Protection features for operation of the high-power acoustics in sensitive nature conservation areas such as the arctic oceans, or frequency modulated signals (e.g. chirped) for better resolution and deeper sediment penetration.
ATLAS Hydrographic was awarded by the Spanish CONSEJO SUPERIOR DE INVESTIGACIONES (CSIC) for delivery, installation and training of a high-resolution multi-beam system for the new research vessel B/O SARMIENTO DE GAMBOA. The ordered ATLAS Integrated Survey Sensor System comprises of ATLAS HYDROSWEEP DS (15.5 kHz) for deep-sea investigations and ATLAS HYDROSWEEP MD/50 (50 kHz) for medium depth surveys as well as various auxiliary hardware and software components.
The SARMIENTO DE GAMBOA will be operated by CSIC's marine section CENTRO MEDITERRANEO DE INVESTIGACIONES MARINAS Y AMBIENTALES (CMIMA) for oceanographic research. The ATLAS HYDROSWEEP multi-beam echosounders can be used to map the seabed's bathymetry for all waters as shallow as 5 m, to the continental margins, down to the ocean's basins and the deep ocean trenches. In parallel to bathymetric and backscatter data recording, dedicated workstations with ATLAS PARASTORE software installed will enable real-time water-column data acquisition and visualisation.
The 1° x 1° aperture transducers of both new third generation ATLAS HYDROSWEEP units will be installed into a gondola. Within the gondola, various other hydro-acoustic equipment will be fit, including the deep-water parametric sub-bottom profiler ATLAS PARASOUND, which has been ordered within a second contract from CSIC as well.
The ATLAS PARASOUND parametric sub-bottom profiler can be used to investigate sediments at very high resolution for shallow waters as well as for full ocean depth.
With the installation the ATLAS PARASOUND, ATLAS Hydrographic maintains its image as reliable supplier of sophisticated scientific hydro-acoustic solutions for oceanography and marine geo-science. ATLAS Hydrographic introduces various new features specifically optimised for scientific users, which make the ATLAS HYDROSWEEP / PARASOUND family the choice for the next generation of research vessels. Examples for such features are: Marine Mammal Protection features for operation of the high-power acoustics in sensitive nature conservation areas such as the arctic oceans, or frequency modulated signals (e.g. chirped) for better resolution and deeper sediment penetration.
For more information contact:
28309 BREMEN
Tel: +49 421 457-02
Fax: +49 421 457-3699