RUAG Electronics2003-02-10 15:05:12

RUAG Electronics Simulation & Training buys SIMLAS

The Simulation and Training Division of RUAG Electronics has purchased from Oerlikon Contraves its infantry Direct Fire Weapon Effects Simulation (DFWES) training and combat identification system, SIMLAS. The SIMLAS system will bring a significant additional capability to the existing RUAG live combat training product range and will give it increased possibilities in the growing market for instrumented urban operations training.

In its training role, SIMLAS is a one way laser firing simulator, employing a very low deviation 830nm encoded laser beam to replicate weapon shots, both in single and auto fire mode. The SIMLAS target equipment consists of man-worn body and head laser detector harnesses, with plug-in extension sensor arrays for arms and legs. The system is supported by After Action Review (AAR) software which allows exercise tactical events to be analysed and presented within minutes of the end of a training task. This software can be modified to suit the AAR requirements of individual customers.

The advantage of SIMLAS over other one way laser simulation devices is its greater simulation fidelity compared to earlier generation infantry DFWES systems. ‘Shot' impact can be located to specific parts of the target's body at all normal infantry combat ranges. The laser coding system used also allows the transmission in each shot of a considerable amount of tactical information - for example, the laser code can accommodate up to 22 different weapon types, each firing up to 8 types of ammunition. This allows the generation of much more accurate training engagement data than is available from other systems.

SIMLAS has an associated indoor acoustic tracking and tactical event monitoring instrumentation system, intended to provide accurate tactical event and location data for players in urban operations training.

The enhanced tactical fidelity makes SIMLAS a suitable measurement device for use in tactical experimentation for future infantry soldier development programmes. In this role, SIMLAS has already been selected by the Canadian and Norwegian MODs and it is under active investigation for use within the British Army Future Infantry Soldier Technology (FIST) prototype development programme. SIMLAS is already used world-wide in more than 11 countries.

The special capabilities of SIMLAS make it an ideal candidate for integration into the CODARTS (combat training for open terrain) and COSCOUT (combat operations for urban terrain) live simulation training systems jointly developed by RUAG Electronics and C.O.E.L. Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH of Wedel, Germany.

The SIMLAS man-worn system may be used without modification as an infantry combat identification system. This mode employs laser target interrogation, a target equipped with the SIMLAS detector harness giving a positive (friendly) response to the interrogator by RF.

This dual training and combat capability is unique on the market and gives SIMLAS a true ‘Fight and Train / Train and Fight' capability.

For more information contact:
Simulation & Training
Stauffacherstrasse 65
Bern 22
Tel:     +41 313 766 600
Fax:     +41 313 766 601



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