BCB INTERNATIONAL LTD.2007-10-29 09:16:13

Newly developed and greatly improved cooker fuelled by totally non-carcinogenic fuel by BCB

The British and numerous European Armed Forces have, for many decades, been using the Hexamine Folding Cooker with Hexamine solid fuel blocks. Standard Issue for each soldier is one cooker containing fuel plus 2 fuel refills. Issued to each soldier "In The Field�? these items are for the preparation of all hot foods and drinks for up to a period of 72 hours.

Unfortunately, this method of cooking presents a number of difficulties for the soldier and in turn, many complaints to the MoD, namely:

- When burned, Hexamine fuel blocks produce Cyanide Gas.. Recently, soldiers serving in Northern Norway attempted, inside their tent, to cook using Hexamine blocks. The results were fatal. Another soldier serving in Iraq attempted to prepare toast using his standard issue Hexamine Cooker and was hospitalised, diagnosed as suffering from Cyanide poisoning.

- Ironically, the blocks themselves are hazardous to handle, should not be used in the vicinity of food, and the majority of soldiers using this equipment are totally unaware of these dangers.

- Regardless of the number of planned operational Field Duty Hours, each soldier is issued with the same quantity of Hexamine fuel blocks, i.e., sufficient for 72 hours. Consequently Field Duty Hours comprising less than 72 results in substantial wastage. In fact, each year, the British Army is issued with approximately half a million Hexamine Cookers plus the standard quantity of re-fill Hexamine blocks and the vast majority of these are thrown away.

- The weight and size of the Hexamine cooker plus its fuel blocks presents every soldier with additional surplus weight to carry and the loss of valuable carry-space.

A newly developed and greatly improved cooker fuelled by totally non-carcinogenic fuel has been developed by the renowned Welsh Company - BCB INTERNATIONAL LTD

Shown here is BCB's newly developed Crusader Cooking System which integrates with, and fits around the existing Crusader Cup Canteen. This in turn fits perfectly onto the '58 pattern UK PLCE (Personal Load Carrying Equipment) water bottle pouch which is standard issue to the British Forces.

BCB's innovative cooker is made of stainless steel and with normal use will last for a minimum of 3 years. Consequently, Crusader Cooker Through-Life service costs are considerably reduced, e.g., using the Crusader Cooker, cost savings to the MoD have been estimated at a minimum of £500,000 p.a. There is also a substantial weight and logistic saving for both the soldiers and the MoD alike.

A safe and environmentally friendly Bio-Ethanol gel fuel has been developed for use with the Crusader Cooker. It is produced from sugar cane, a source of renewable energy. It burns cleanly, with little or no smell or fumes and unlike the Hexamine cooker, may be used safely in a confined space. Once lit, it cannot be easily detected, e.g., it is ideal for use in a jungle environment where smell can be detected some considerable distance away by an enemy.

More importantly, independent trials of the two cookers and fuels have shown that a soldiers' cooking time can be reduced by over 50%, i.e., 4 minutes to prepare a meal and brew, when using the Crusader Cooker and gel fuel compared to 8 minutes using the in-service Hexamine stove and fuel.

One final advantage of the new Bio-ethanol fuel gel is that it is far easier and quicker to light than Hexamine fuel blocks. This again saves operational time and, of course, matches.

In 2006, the crusader cooking system won the "Best Handling of Legacy during Innovation�? Award from Soldier Technology, not only in recognition of its innovation, but additionally, that it integrates perfectly with other standard issue equipment.

For more information contact:
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United Kingdom
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