Reson A/S2009-11-30 16:30:58

RESON Delivers SeaBat 7112 System to WASS of Italy as part of a harbor security System.

RESON of has delivered a SeaBat 7112 system to Whitehead Alenia Sistemi Subacquei (WASS) of Italy, part of the Finmeccanica group of companies.

The system will be used in conjunction with other WASS and SELEX systems as part of a harbor security System.

SeaBat 7112 multibeam sonar system for diver detection consists of a circular array and projector ensonifying a cylindrical volume of water up to 1000 meters range. Designed to detect small targets such as divers with closed circuit re-breather equipment, the systems will track and alert operators of their presence on a geo-referenced map of the area.

For more information contact:
Fabriksvangen 13
Tel:     +45 47 380022
Fax:     +45 47 380066



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