AECMA - European Association of Aerospace Industries2003-10-22 08:12:05

European Aerospace Industry Welcomes the STAR 21 Communication of the European Commission

Brussels - The European aerospace industries, represented by AECMA, welcomes the Communication "A Coherent Framework for Aerospace - A Response to the STAR 21 Report� which the European Commission adopted and published on 15 October. The Communication responds directly to the analysis and recommendations of the STAR 21 Advisory Group to date. It underlines the importance of the initiative and identifies further steps to ensure the competitiveness of European aerospace in the long-term. Industry looks forward to continuing its active involvement in the initiative. Besides implementing EASA and the Single European Sky, priorities will be:

- Establish an EU-wide defence equipment market
- Establish a European Armaments, Research and Military Capability Agency.

- Produce a detailed White Paper setting out a comprehensive European Space Policy which takes account of the strategic nature of this industry.

- Improve support for civil research in accordance with ACARE priorities.
- Establish a European defence aerospace R&D plan.
- Improve European security by creating a comprehensive security research programme.

The Communication also intends to raise awareness of the STAR 21 proposals with other EU institutions, in order to pave the way for the necessary political and legislative follow up. Throughout the evolution of the STAR 21 initiative, AECMA has been acting as the platform for the harmonisation and consolidation of industry positions. It will continue to support and participate actively in the future actions resulting from the STAR 21 report.

The STAR 21 Advisory Group Group analyses the adequacy of the existing political and regulatory framework for aerospace in Europe, together with its possible deficiencies, and recommends to the EU institutions (Commission, Parliament, Member States) the measures needed to maintain the competitiveness of the European industry in the global market.
It published its report "STAR 21 - Strategic Aerospace Review for the 21st Century� in July 2002.

Members of the STAR 21 Advisory Group
European Commissioners: Loyola de Palacio (Transport and Energy), Philippe Busquin (Research), Pascal Lamy (Trade) and Chris Patten (External Relations)Members of the European Parliament: Carlos Westendorp, Karl von Wogau
The High Representative of the European Union: Javier Solana
Industry chairmen: Jean-Paul Béchat (SNECMA), Manfred
Bischoff (EADS), Sir Richard Evans (BAE SYSTEMS), Jean-Luc Lagardère (EADS), Alberto Lina (Finmeccanica, until April 2002), Denis Ranque (Thales) and Sir Ralph Robins (Rolls-Royce).

ACARE - Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe
In its January 2001 report "European Aeronautics: A Vision for 2020", the Group of Personalities
convened by Commissioner Philippe Busquin considered Europe's goal of better serving societies needs
while becoming a global leader in the field of aeronautics. Among its conclusions, the Group stressed
the need for an Advisory Council for Aeronautics Research in Europe (ACARE).
Launched in June 2001, ACARE comprises about 30 members with a clearly defined and commonly
agreed terms of reference, including representation from the Member States, the European
Commission and other aeronautics stakeholders (manufacturing industry, airlines, airports, service
providers, regulators, the research establishments and academia).
ACARE's main focus has been to establish and carry forward a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) that
will influence all European stakeholders in the planning of research programmes, particularly national
and European.
More information can be obtained on the ACARE web site

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