Reson A/S2010-03-10 08:11:43

RESON awarded contract for SeaBat 7101 and 7125 processor upgrade during the OI'10 exhi-bition

At the Oceanology International 2010 exhibition in London, RESON was awarded a contract by Osiris Hydrographic & Geophysical Projects Ltd to deliver a SeaBat 7101 and an upgrade version of SeaBat 7125-SV multibeam sonar systems.

Osiris Hydrographic & Geophysical Projects Ltd (Osiris Projects) are an independent UK based company providing high quality marine survey services to a broad range of clients from the Oil & Gas, Renewable Energy, Utilities, Ports, Harbours and Private Sector Industries.

Osiris Projects are market leaders in high resolution coastal seabed mapping and geophysical survey, specializing in the provision of bespoke, high quality solutions to all types of shallow water survey requirements.

The SeaBat 7101 will increase the efficiency and cost saving through more usable swath width provided by roll stabilization and equi-distant beams. The data quality will be better due to quality filter, uncertainty output and vari-able swath width.

SeaBat 7125-SV offers a number of new and unique features. The new transceiver provides an integrated multiport serial card and is optionally available with PDS2000 pre-installed for data acquisition and display as well as data processing on the same hardware platform. Four video outputs allow multiple survey and helm displays to be run. Roll stabilization and variable swath coverage of up to 140°.

A real-time uncertainty output from the SeaBat 7125 may be used in data acquisition software, along with information from other sensors to calculate a TPE (Total Propagated Error). Soundings may be filtered by setting either the relevant IHO order or by defining a custom vertical error limit. Other new features in SeaBat 7125-SV include roll stabilization, XYZ offsets for flexible transducer installations, Quality filter and advanced diagnostic which increase survey efficiency. Further, AutoPilot uses sonar tuning values from a default or user generated look-up table for hands free sonar operation.

For more information contact:
Fabriksvangen 13
Tel:     +45 47 380022
Fax:     +45 47 380066



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