WSi News2013-06-25 12:25:26
Stevens Institute of Technology to License Stevens Passive Acoustic Detection System to Sonardyne
Stevens Institute of Technology and Sonardyne Inc., a subsidiary of U.K. based Sonardyne International Ltd., manufacturer of subsea navigation and security technologies, have executed a licensing agreement for intellectual property of the Stevens Passive Acoustic Detection System (SPADES), which uses sound processing to detect, track and classify vessels, swimmers and divers.
Researchers at Stevens developed SPADES as a cost effective, highly-portable, near shore and harbour surveillance system to protect naval ships, ports, waterways, and high-value maritime assets from threats posed by divers or small vessels. SPADES can be used standalone, or to augment a Sentinel active sonar, to provide an enhanced underwater surveillance solution. SPADES can covertly classify and track sound sources in the water without transmitting a signal that can be detected. This licensing agreement enhances Sonardyne's defence and maritime security capability and builds on Sonardyne's recent record sales of the Sentinel diver detection systems.
Stevens Institute of Technology and Sonardyne Inc., a subsidiary of U.K. based Sonardyne International Ltd., manufacturer of subsea navigation and security technologies, have executed a licensing agreement for intellectual property of the Stevens Passive Acoustic Detection System (SPADES), which uses sound processing to detect, track and classify vessels, swimmers and divers.
Researchers at Stevens developed SPADES as a cost effective, highly-portable, near shore and harbour surveillance system to protect naval ships, ports, waterways, and high-value maritime assets from threats posed by divers or small vessels. SPADES can be used standalone, or to augment a Sentinel active sonar, to provide an enhanced underwater surveillance solution. SPADES can covertly classify and track sound sources in the water without transmitting a signal that can be detected. This licensing agreement enhances Sonardyne's defence and maritime security capability and builds on Sonardyne's recent record sales of the Sentinel diver detection systems.
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