ODSecurity2014-05-06 10:01:50

First SOTER RS Body Scanner have been sold to US prisons

After extensive trials the first two SOTER Through Body Scanners have been purchased and installed in two separate prisons in the United States.

The SOTER RS which has undergone extensive trials over a prolonged period in a number of custodial establishments in the US have been purchased and are now operational in one prison in the River-bend high security state prison in Nashville and another in New Mexico.

The use of Through Body Scanners in prisons is regarded as the most effective way of countering the smuggling of items such as drugs, mobile phones, weapons and other contraband material without subjecting inmates and visitors to intrusive body searchers.

The SOTER RS is a low dosage full body scanner which combines ultra low radiation with maximum visibility, for use at airports and prisons. Within seconds the SOTER RS reveals hidden items, such as weapons or narcotics, diamonds, or any stolen or smuggled goods. It doesn't even have to be metal. The SOTER shows a clear difference between human tissue and other materials. Even ingested or camouflaged items will be shown.

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