ODSecurity2014-09-09 19:05:38
OD Security sells SOTER RS Through-Body Scanner to Tennessee Department of Correction
Riverbend Maximum Security Prison, Nashville, Tennessee, USA is the latest high security custodial establishment to purchase an OD Security Through Body Scanner.
Netherlands based security manufacturer, OD Security announced that the SOTER RS is now installed and functioning at the prison to check both visitors and staff for contraband in an effort to reduce items like drugs, tobacco, weapons and cell phones from being smuggled into the prison.
The use of Through Body Scanners in prisons is regarded as the most effective way of countering the smuggling of contraband material without subjecting inmates and visitors and staff to intrusive body searchers.
The SOTER RS is a low dosage full body scanner which combines ultra low radiation with maximum visibility, for use at airports and prisons. Within seconds the SOTER RS reveals hidden items, such as weapons or narcotics, diamonds, or any stolen or smuggled goods. It doesn't even have to be metal. The SOTER shows a clear difference between human tissue and other materials. Even ingested or camouflaged items will be shown.
The SOTER RS will increase the level of security operations previously possible through the use of conventional metal detectors. Non metallic objects hidden under clothes, in natural cavities or within the human body cannot be detected by conventional metal detectors and typically, these non-detectable items, such as narcotics, explosives, precious stones, plastic weapons, or other contraband, can only otherwise be detected by highly intrusive total body searches.
SOTER is already operational in Australia, Ghana, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, and The United Arab Emirates, The United States of America, The United Kingdom and Vietnam.
Riverbend Maximum Security Prison, Nashville, Tennessee, USA is the latest high security custodial establishment to purchase an OD Security Through Body Scanner.
Netherlands based security manufacturer, OD Security announced that the SOTER RS is now installed and functioning at the prison to check both visitors and staff for contraband in an effort to reduce items like drugs, tobacco, weapons and cell phones from being smuggled into the prison.
The use of Through Body Scanners in prisons is regarded as the most effective way of countering the smuggling of contraband material without subjecting inmates and visitors and staff to intrusive body searchers.
The SOTER RS is a low dosage full body scanner which combines ultra low radiation with maximum visibility, for use at airports and prisons. Within seconds the SOTER RS reveals hidden items, such as weapons or narcotics, diamonds, or any stolen or smuggled goods. It doesn't even have to be metal. The SOTER shows a clear difference between human tissue and other materials. Even ingested or camouflaged items will be shown.
The SOTER RS will increase the level of security operations previously possible through the use of conventional metal detectors. Non metallic objects hidden under clothes, in natural cavities or within the human body cannot be detected by conventional metal detectors and typically, these non-detectable items, such as narcotics, explosives, precious stones, plastic weapons, or other contraband, can only otherwise be detected by highly intrusive total body searches.
SOTER is already operational in Australia, Ghana, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, and The United Arab Emirates, The United States of America, The United Kingdom and Vietnam.
For more information contact:
Poolsterweg 4
8938 AN Leeuwarden
Tel: +31 (0)88 457 05 80
Fax: +31 58 298 87 68