WSi News2016-09-26 16:44:35

OSCE trains law enforcement officers from South East Europe to combat cybercrime through use of open source digital forensic tools

A five-day training course for 19 law enforcement representatives from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Montenegro on introductory open source digital forensics started today in Sarajevo.

The course places emphasis on the use of open source forensic tools for capturing and analysing digital evidence in investigation of cyber- and cyber-enabled crime. It is organized by the OSCE Transnational Threats Department/Strategic Police Matters Unit with the support of the Security Ministry of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Police Academy of the Internal Affairs Ministry of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the assistance of the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina.

"While contributing to improve technical skills of law enforcement, the OSCE develops coherent strategies aiming at harmonizing participating States' capacities and expertise to better fight cybercrime," said Guy Vinet, Head of the Strategic Police Matters Unit of the Transnational Threats Department.

The course will also provide the opportunity for regional networking among participants, with the aim of facilitating future cross-border co-operation.

Mate Miletić, Assistant Minister in the Security Ministry of Bosnia and Herzegovina, said: "This training course will contribute to strengthening capacities of relevant institutions in the countries of the region in countering cybercrime through use of best practices and the most recent technical developments in this field."

The practical training course uses material from the European Cybercrime Training and Education Group (ECTEG) and is led by a cybercrime expert from the Centre for Cyber security and Cybercrime Investigation at University College Dublin, and supported by an expert from the OSCE.

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