WSi News2017-04-18 11:12:27

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DHS’ Customs and Border Protection (CBP) approves RVSS and the PureActiv Geospatial C2 and Video Analytics
The Remote Video Surveillance Systems (RVSS) deployed for border protection across the southern border of the United States has been granted “Full Operating Capability (FOC)” by the U.S Department of Homeland Security’s Customs and Border Protection (CBP).
The RVSS system consists of a series of elevated towers and structures equipped with advanced electro-optical and infrared sensors to provide persistent ground surveillance to Border Patrol agents. Central to the RVSS system is PureTech Systems’ Geospatial VMS for Command and Control Management and the PureActiv Video Analytics used for long range detection, tracking, identification, classification and response to U.S border missions. 

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