Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience, Europe2017-05-19 14:37:13
Conclusions from Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience, Europe 2017
Last week’s CIPRE in The Hague once again brought together some of the leading figures from the European and world critical infrastructure protection community to discuss some challenges faced by agencies, operators and industry in ensuring that CNI is safeguarded. Immediately followed by the WannaCry ransomware cyber-attack on many CNI sites worldwide, these discussions couldn’t be more important.
Once again speaker after speaker emphasised the need for greater co-operation, dialogue and sharing between all stakeholders, across sectors and across borders, if we are to successfully ensure security and resilience.
Conference Chairman and Chairman of the International Association of Critical Infrastructure Protection Professionals (IACIPP) John Donlon QPM said "CIPRE 2017 was a significant event where like-minded people had the opportunity to discuss areas of concern and to take away new ideas and initiatives. I was truly impressed by the quality of presenters, the broad range of topics addressed and the detailed discussions that took place.
During CIPRE 2017 we had some excellent presentations by some distinguished and experienced people across the whole range of Infrastructure and Information issues. We were fortunate to have speakers from Government, Academia and Operators articulating detail on both current and developing areas of activity, not only within Europe but also on a global scale.
The EU Commission provided detail on new programmes of activity clearly referencing European concerns around the escalation of Cyber activity and the need to continue to build Public Private Partnerships, and both these areas were significant themes throughout a conference which covered a wide range of topics from-Hybrid Warfare - Prioritisation Modelling - Regulations and Standards and even the impact of Cyber, Social Media and Fake News on elections.”
The recurring themes throughout the conference included:
· The importance of trust and collaboration
· Sharing of information and best practise across sectors and borders
· PPP’s are fundamental to security and resilience
· Benefits of successful PPP's
· Identification of single points of failure and interdependency
· Need to understand the nature of vulnerabilities and to prioritise activity
· Speed of change within Cyber activity
· Balance across - Prevention - Detection and Reaction
· Need to learn from each other
· Insider Threat
Finally, John Donlon QPM challenged delegates to join the International Association of CIP Professionals and start sharing information via the IACIPP extranet and invited them to reconvene again later in the year for Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience, North America Florida, December 5-7th 2017 and Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience, Europe in The Hague in 2018.