WSi News2017-09-22 07:03:52

“Crime should not pay” theme of 2017 OSCE Annual Police Experts Meeting in Vienna

Law enforcement experts and representatives of relevant regional and international organizations will meet on 26 and 27 September in Vienna for the OSCE Annual Police Experts Meeting.

Entitled “Crime Should Not Pay: illicit Financial Flows and Confiscation of Criminal Assets. Countering Financial Proceeds of Criminal Networks”, the conference will focus on ways to disrupt criminal networks and strip them of their financial gains, which are the main incentives for most types of serious and organized crime.

Why are only a small fragment of crime proceeds confiscated? What can be done to strengthen criminal justice measures in this regard? These are the key questions which participants will seek to answer.

The meeting will be opened by Guy Vinet, Head of the OSCE Transnational Threats Department’s Strategic Police Matters Unit, Florian Raunig, Head of the Task Force of the Austrian OSCE Chairmanship, Thomas Greminger, OSCE Secretary General, Tofik Murshudlu, Chief of the Implementation Support Section, UN Office on Drugs and Crime, and Hennie Verbeek-Kusters, Chair of the Egmont Group of Financial Intelligence Units.

Media are invited to attend the opening session from 13:30 to 14:00 on Tuesday, 26 September, in Ratsaal (5th floor), Hofburg, Vienna. Journalists interested in attending should register by Monday 25 September, 17:00, by sending an e-mail to

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