WSi News2017-10-16 07:33:03
Griffin Communication, Now More Than Ever Before ...
Project Griffin International is an important effort. It is an evidence-based program designed to deter and manage risk issues within an environment.
Communication is often the Achilles Heel of any emergency and crisis. We have seen this of late in Las Vegas, Fort Lauderdale, Brussels, Stockholm, and Los Angeles, just to name a very few. The Griffin C-One app is a critical communications management tool, and it changes the direction in role-based and multi collaborative communications.
We find using an operational tool every day will enhance performance when needed in an emergency. There is often no time for a learning curve during a crisis. Also, we know several groups of responders outside of the authority need to be pulled into an emergency and must be part of the communications to be effective. There are even time when you need to bring on several to hundreds of temporary users with little notice.
We have found data will continue to be up when other types of communication go down, and then there is the question how many users can talk on a radio at once and does everyone have a radio? Effective distribution means telling various groups within the environment different information. But collectively the active community must work together and this is becoming a requirement like never before. Social media demands effective control of communications, authorities must be on par or better to manage the flow of information both internally and externally.
We often find authorities using tools such as WhatsApp. These types of technology tools are a step in the right direction but cannot provide the several necessary capabilities needed in multi-collaborative security and critical infrastructure operational environments, but proves the necessity of the technology. One must remember mass notification is just one piece of the communication puzzle.
Our initial efforts are seeing expected results. We are engaging major police jurisdictions and airports in several countries to evaluate this effort on a much larger scale than simple testing. No doubt all of this will take some time, but we expect the results to take hold and expand. Initially, our goal is to have the environments use the Griffin App as a two-way reporting tool and expand into operations. The performance during an emergency will stand ready as it did in Stockholm at their major hospital.
When you take an airport it can include thousands of users who should have the ability to report issues from random maintenance to insider threat; and operationally you can expect hundreds or more users that can move rich media of all forms, improving communication and effectiveness in the environment.
We are at the same time expanding our Griffin train the trainer program. Education enhances security. If you look at the City of London, every security guard is required to have that basic Griffin education, and it has paid off time and time again.
Moving communication between all active individuals within an environment is a big step, with communication situational awareness management, organizations can make real-time decision based on activity anywhere their users are located, and at any time in the environment and distribute appropriately through secure role-based access.
Once the current Griffin C-One efforts are well underway, we will then begin broader distribution of our efforts and make the system available to any transportation security jurisdiction and authority.
For police jurisdictions and critical infrastructure authorities who would like additional information and kept up on our efforts, please contact the program. The project is a non-profit program of the INTERPORTPOLICE.
Project Griffin International | One World Trade Center, Suite 8500, New York, NY 10007. E: | W: