ODSecurity2017-11-22 10:18:19

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Prison Authorities in Canada release remarkable body scanner results

Stopping drugs entering prisons is one of the hottest subjects around, the world over.

Pick up any paper, “google search” or simply watch the news, and every day, somewhere in the world, you will find that drugs in prisons are causing a multitude of issues; be that rioting, gang related crime or the death of an inmate through an overdose.

The UK Government Policy Paper, 2017 Drug Strategy admits; “..the motivation and ability of prisoners and organised crime groups to use and traffic illegal drugs has outstripped our ability to prevent this trade. We need to redouble our efforts to tackle this challenge with the aim of eradicating illicit drug use in prisons.”

Inmates and their co-conspirators on the outside are finding new and ingenious methods of smuggling which are testing the prison authorities worldwide. Whether it is flying drones over prison fences, or finding a quiet corner of a recreation yard and throwing over a dead bird stuffed with drugs, or it could even be painting the drugs on “children’s artwork” and sending direct to the inmate.

For some years now, industry has been working with prison authorities to find the best way to stop drugs entering prisons.

In truth, there is no one way to stop drugs from entering prisons, but one product that has been providing some great results is the low dosage full body scanner. They combine ultra-low radiation with maximum visibility, and are extremely simple and fast. These scanners can identify any foreign material being smuggled, whether it is hidden on or even inside the human body.

And this week some remarkable statistics have been released by Canadian Prison Authorities that highlight the effectiveness of these systems and signal a hugely positive step forward in the fight against drugs in prisons.

David Ellis, Provincial Emergency Response and Security Coordinator of the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, Ontario, Canada, has confirmed the following figures from 16 ODSecurity SOTER RS Body Scanners that are currently operational across correctional facilities in Ontario, including; Ottawa, Toronto, Algoma, Sudbury and Monteith.

Since going LIVE in January 2017 these 16 scanners have to date performed 139,600 Scans.

Of these, 4,774 scans were recorded as “Positive” with finds of; 10 mobile phones, 74 weapons (knives and shives) and the balance being drugs. 

That’s a massive 4,690 packages of drugs that have not entered Correctional Facilities in Ontario!

These packages would have been concealed on or inside a person in a way of combatting the correctional facilities stringent security checks. This could be in the vagina, the rectum or even inside rolls of fat.

The SOTER RS makes it impossible to smuggle contraband in or on the human body.

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