WSi News2018-07-04 08:17:35

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Now even lighter and more com­fort­able – the new Leonardo DR X-ray suitcase

In May 2018, OR Technology presents the second generation of the portable X-ray case Leonardo DR mini.

The Leonardo DR mini II surpasses its predecessor in its equipment at lower weight. At only 8.9 kg, the Le­onardo DR mini II is one of the world's light­est port­able X-ray case systems.

The high-qual­ity plastic pro­cessing and the well planned space concept form the basis for a prac­tical case for any outdoor use. If ne­ces­sary, the case shell can be easily cleaned with water. The mobile compact package fits behind every car seat.

The prac­tical suit­case solu­tion is quickly ready to go and easy to use. All com­pon­ents are in­teg­rated in the X-ray case. The 17" laptop can easily be removed from its holder in the case and used as a tablet for present­a­tion pur­poses. The note­book is equipped with the dicomPACS®DX-R ac­quis­i­tion and dia­gnostic soft­ware. The wire­less CsI X-ray de­tector is trans­por­ted space-sav­ing in the case inside and guar­an­tees best image quality even at low X-ray doses. Everything is stored per­fectly.

The Le­onardo DR mini II sup­ports its users in out­pa­tient digital ra­di­ology in the areas of human medi­cine such as home care, dis­aster control, emer­gency medi­cine on ships, yachts and oil plat­forms as well as in medical ser­vices.
In veter­in­ary medi­cine, the suit­case solu­tion can be used in a veter­in­ary prac­tice, equine clinic or uni­versity fa­cil­it­ies.

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