WSi News2019-01-21 13:28:28

CONPASS Dual View with DruGuard® Selected for Statewide Deployment 
ADANI Systems, Inc. announced today that it has been awarded a contract with the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections to provide over 30 CONPASS Dual View full-body scanners, that feature patented DruGuard automatic detection software, to correctional facilities throughout the state.
ADANI unseated two other manufacturers who already had equipment deployed as part of an evaluation of the technology. ADANI’s CONPASS MIP, a mobile security checkpoint full-body scanning system, houses a CONPASS DV w/DruGuard. The system played a key role in showcasing ADANI’s technology by allowing the product to be delivered directly to the customer’s site for live demonstration. The MIP is built on a Mercedes Benz Sprinter 3500 chassis and has been used to demonstrate ADANI’s body scanning technology across the United States.
“CONPASS MIP provides key decision makers and stakeholders an opportunity to see and utilize the equipment on their premises,” stated Marc Gregorio, ADANI’s Director of Sales, “it is an incredibly valuable tool, and an effective way to demonstrate the unique features of our body scanner, thereby illustrating why our technology is the most selected solution in the United States.” 
CONPASS DV features True Dual View imaging which provides distinct advantages by imaging the torso of an individual from different horizontal and vertical angles. DruGuard is the industry’s only automatic detection software. “This software, which builds accountability and provides operators with assistance in detecting drugs, is extremely valuable to operators as they fight the escalating epidemic of dangerous, and often fatal, narcotic exposures.” said Gregorio. 
The news of ADANI’s selection by Pennsylvania comes just days after New Jersey announced that they are working to finalize a state contract placing CONPASS DV w/DruGuard onto their schedule, giving their correctional facilities an avenue for expedient and fiscally prudent deployment of the technology.
ADANI’s patented technology has been deployed in over 350 correctional facilities in the United States. CONPASS features a flexible design of both single and dual view configurations and is the only transmission X-ray body scanner to feature automatic contraband alert software.

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