WSi News2019-07-11 08:59:37
The use of mobile technologies, across the globe by the ‘security’ industry, has evolved immensely over the years -However, within the IT security, defence, law enforcement and border security arenas ‘mobile’, means different things to different parties.
For instance, on one hand, securing the mobile channel is critical and this aspect is important. On the other, it’s a case of working out how to improve communications, security and operational efficiency through using mobile devices in difference scenarios.
One thing that is for certain, though, is that mobile has grown exponentially in popularity and use cases. Forrester, for example, has projected that global mobile device usage is expected to surpass 5.5 billion users by 2022. So, how can the industry ensure that mobile remains secure; and how is it improving the way security and border security functions?
MDM equals IT Governance
Not a day goes by when you don’t hear a story about ‘some organisation’ losing corporate data. Mobile devices, including smartphones, laptops, body-worn devices and barcode scanners, are typically a medium that are vulnerable in this scenario. Therefore IT teams are continually evaluating how they can secure this channel.
This is where mobile device management applications (MDM) become crucial. They enable IT teams to govern their fleets of mobile devices. This includes allowing IT admins to monitor, manage and secure the devices that engage with their networks remotely from a central platform. Using MDM lets IT provision new devices; manage device and software updates; and remotely lock and wipe missing devices, protecting corporate data. In essence, MDM helps firms ensure that IT governance, at a mobile level, is adhered too.
Body-worn Cameras & Law Enforcement
The use of body-worn cameras is a growing trend in law enforcement. They promote higher degrees of transparency and accountability; promote staff professionalism; and help to deter crime and altercations within certain scenarios. Typically, these body-worn cameras function as standalone mobile devices, that store data on the device to be drawn off later. Or, they can be networked to stream data via Wi-Fi or the cellular network. In the future, we expect the dependence on body-worn devices to increase. Integrations with wider job-based workflows (e.g. start ‘record’ when I'm at a specified location such as for a delivery) and the reliance on AI features will grow too (e.g. face recognition).
Border Control & Security
The number of people travelling globally has increased. Border control agencies are now tasked with providing a swift, efficient, secure and convenient travel experience, as people pass through customs and immigration. To combat these challenges, and scan passports fast, teams often can use mobile devices, integrated with a machine-readable zone (MRZ). ‘Mobile scanners’ allow staff to move around; they automate and accurately document information for border agencies; and streamline this entire workflow.
The use of mobile technologies is a game changer for many industries. The challenge for the security sector to establish what mobile means to it. How is mobile going to improve my organisation? What software and hardware can I use? How do I secure that channel – and, especially important within the security industry, is my fleet of devices fit for purpose, business rugged and capable of withstanding the rigours of the wider security industry?