Border Security Report2020-02-18 13:43:33
€5 Million To Tighten Border Security in Ghana
The four-year-project aims at improving border management and security in Ghana, by reducing irregular migration, human trafficking, the smuggling of goods and other cross-border crimes. It will ensure greater security for citizens and visitors, while guaranteeing the respect for the rule of law and human rights standards by border management authorities.
The project has two components. The first focuses on the support of the Ghana Immigration Service (GIS). This support will consist mainly of border management equipment and training. The Ghana Police Service and the Ghana Customs Authority will be associated for joint activities.
The second component is dedicated to civil society organisations, media networks and local authorities. They will develop projects to improve the cross-border management of people, goods and services.
The project is funded by European Union Emergency Trust Fund for Africa (EUTF), and will be implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD).
border security, ghana, irregular migration, smuggling, trafficking