WSi News2020-07-21 08:19:33
EU-funded PPRD South 3 online meeting on “the roles and tasks of the national civil protection authority and the disaster risk management authority in the wider framework of the national responses to the COVID19 crisis”
The objectives were to discuss on new challenges posed to the national disaster management system by the Covid-19 crisis, new coordination arrangements and operational structures put in place at national level, new role and responsibilities for the national civil protection authorities in the new context but also about the operational contribution by the national civil protection authorities to the response to the Covid-19 crisis, the difficulties encountered and new capacities required and the interaction with the health structures.
To that end, the three Member countries of the consortium leading PPRD South 3, France, Italy and Spain, described the role and tasks of its civil protection during the crisis. The experiences of the Lombardia region and the Mallorca Island were also highlighted.
The overall objective of EU-funded PPRD South 3 is to contribute to increasing resilience and reducing the social, economic and environmental costs of natural and man-made disasters in the ENP South region, based on the results of the PPRD South Program and the European Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM).
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