WSi News2021-02-19 12:43:57
DroneShield announce a partnership with Trakka Systems, designed to better serve the C-UAS, ISR, inspection and UAS marketplaces. By streamlining the collective detection and situational awareness expertise of both businesses, the partnership has produced the TIPS-C (Trakka Interceptor Package Solution) product.
The TIPS-C, mounted on a mobile platform, provides a covert early detect and neutralizing counter-solution to the ever-present UAS hazard. Trakka’s new partner DroneShield has provided the DroneSentry-C2™ Command and Control software platform, integrating a common operating picture for drone detection and tracking within the immediate airspace, as well as providing an extensive reporting suite. The TIPS-C utilizes and enhances Trakka’s TrakkaCam and DroneShield’s RadarZero™ sensors and DroneOptID™ optical AI/ML software, effectively combined to create an exceptional joint-capability drone detection and tracking system, with slew-to-cue camera operations for visual threat assessment and video evidence recording.
With each component seamlessly integrated, the TIPS-C is sophisticatedly capable in detecting, identifying, and automatically tracking drones of any size while dismissing moving objects. This one-of-a-kind capability all but eliminates the false positives that challenge other systems, saving valuable time amid imminent threats.
In January, executive teams from Trakka Systems and DroneShield met with the Tampa Police Department Special Operations Division’s Chief Pilot and five members of the TPD Special Ops Groups, plus a Technical Liaison to the FBI, for the premiere demonstration of the TIPS-C at the Tampa Police Training Facility in Tampa, FL. The TIPS-C trial was a sweeping success.
This strategic partnership of Trakka Systems and DroneShield to create the TIPS-C aims to provide an expert suite of low risk, seamlessly integrated UAS detection and mapping solutions that are flexible, aware, reliable, and economical.
Oleg Vornik, DroneShield’s CEO, commented, “DroneShield is excited to partner with sector leaders in their respective disciplines, to position our offering with key customer ecosystems, enhanced by best-in-breed offerings from our partners. Our global partnership with Trakka is a great example of such strategy.”
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