WSi News2021-03-17 08:41:23
PureTech Systems Announces the release of Tool for Security Design Planning
PureTech Systems announced today the successful release of their proprietary Security Design Imaging Calculator.
The purpose of the PTS Design Tool is to provide security planning personnel with the ability to ascertain the distance and pixels needed to view, detect, and classify a specified target to properly secure their perimeters. A common obstacle in designing security systems for wide-area perimeters is determining the location and number of cameras, as well as the camera pixels required for accurately detecting threats.
A handful of parameters such as those listed below, once confirmed or modified by the user, help lead to the desired result:
- Width & height of image sensor,
- Number of lateral & vertical camera pixels,
- Horizontal Field of View (HFOV) of the camera or alternatively the focal length of its optics,
- Camera installation height,
- Parameters through which the target of interest and tallest expected target is specified namely the heights and widths of encompassing bounding boxes and the ranges from the camera to the targets (of interest and tallest).
- Corresponding focal length to the input HFOV or vice-versa when the input is focal length,
- Vertical field-of-view (VFOV),
- Angle subtending the blind zone, and
- Plus several more.
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