WSi News2021-10-15 07:55:35
The Monaco Cybersecurity Agency join forces with Thales to strengthen the cybersecurity of the Monaco Government and the Operators of essential services
As cyber risks and threats continue to emerge, the Government of Monaco has been addressing the issue since 2016 through the law fighting technological criminality. Thus, to strengthen the digital security of the Monegasque government and of its various institutions, companies and Operators of essential services, the Monaco Cybersecurity Agency chose to collaborate with Thales on the implementation and interactions of advanced cybersecurity technologies. As part of this partnership, Thales provides a set of solutions and services and will work on their interoperability: "Citadel Team" to secure communications, the "Cybels Sensor" trusted probe, "Cyber Threat Intelligence", a cyber-threat analysis service, which are integrated into "Cybels Analytics", an innovative Big Data attack detection platform.
In a highly connected world, social networks information systems security is at stake and must constantly adapt. Crucial to our proper functioning, institutions, companies and Operators of essential services are the most exposed to cyber issues, these being one of the biggest threat of the 21st century. Indeed, at the cutting-edge of innovation, hackers are constantly developing and planning new strategies and attacks, making the protection of data at stake and its protection essential and necessary.
In Monaco, the Monaco Cybersecurity Agency is in charge of the national authority as well as for the security of information systems. Acting as a true center of expertise, response and treatment in terms of security and numerical attacks, the Monegasque Agency is responsible for preventing, detecting and treating cyber-attacks as well as raising awareness on numerical security requirements among public services and Operators of essential services. To protect itself even more effectively, the Monaco Cybersecurity Agency relies on Thales cyber technologies and is working cooperatively with the Group to integrate these key tools into a common platform: the Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) service, the Cybels Sensor trusted probe and the Cybels Analytics technology, based on a sovereign and secured Citadel Team communication system.
In a world where information and knowledge are key, Thales provides the Monaco Cybersecurity Agency with its "Cyber Threat Intelligence" (CTI) service, which enables the reception, analysis and finally the sorting of all information related to a cyber-attack. To do so, CTI relies on a platform that continuously collects information on threats, such as the attacker's modus operandi, through various sources (cyber monitoring tools, websites, etc.). Thus, the CTI allows the establishment of a real cartography exposing the threats of the targeted systems, in order to adapt its line of defense in the most secure way.
Thales is also providing the Monegasque Agency with its "Cybels Sensor" detection probe, which can integrate detection rules provided by the CTI service. By analyzing large amounts of data in real time while detecting potential threats, the probe provides an early warning to the teams in charge of security supervision to maximize the protection of the monitored networks.
With the emergence of artificial intelligence algorithms, Thales, through its technology TrUE AI, has set the “Cybels Analytics” solution enabling the possibility to identify quickly the most complex and dangerous cyber-attacks operating. In order to better identify and respond to these attacks, the platform relies on artificial intelligence algorithms from Thales and is thus able to detect irregular situations thanks to heterogeneous data as defined by origin and nature. Ultimately, "Cybels Analytics" offers a more accurate analysis of non-targeted attacks and is considerably time saving.
Finally, since 2020, the Covid-19 sanitary crisis has benefited the growth of digital transformation, especially with the massive use of teleworking, making data protection essential. In order to guarantee data security and storage control, Thales provides its encrypted messaging service "Citadel Team", a trusted hosting platform that guarantees data sovereignty. Highly adaptable to the communication needs of companies, the Citadel Team platform offers a unique level of security for both professional and personal exchanges, without compromising neither on the importance of data protection, whether sensitive or not, nor on ergonomics.
These high-end technologies ensure a very high level of protection and security, enabling better anticipation, detection and a better ability to react to potential cyber-attacks. While adapting its different cyber-security products and services to Principality of Monaco and its various sectors of activity, Thales is supporting the Monegasque Agency security to enhance the operational effectiveness of its products and services.
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