SAS R&D Services, Inc.2013-04-18 13:01:53

IRS now using Ultra Violet technology to combat fraud

Recently the Internal Revenue Service has installed high quality Desktop Ultraviolet ( UV ) Document Viewers in all their offices throughout the United States in order to combat the growing problem of altered or forged documents and detecting mechanical & chemical erasures.

The SUV-1160C from Florida based SAS R&D Services Inc., is a high UV dual light output lamp so that it can be used in normal office environments without the need to shield from room lighting which is the case with low quality UV lamps. Wide enough to take a legal size document, the SUV-1160C makes the examination of submitted documentation quick and easy saving the IRS processing time.

Originally designed for use on Immigration Counters at airports and other ports of entry and for the checking of security printing in passports, the SUV-Series has since found many other uses in banks and government departments where documents need to be checked thoroughly but with the minimum of delay, the all steel construction makes it extremely tough and rugged and the viewer is expected to give the IRS many years of fault free service.

The SUV Series available in various sizes and configurations from hand held to desktop, is widely exported for Banking: Counterfeit Currency & check fraud - Police: Scene of Crime - Social Security: identification documents - Airlines: passengers documents - Criminology: Document examination and for immigration, banking and security applications around the World.

For more information contact:
South Florida Center
United States Of America
Tel:     +1 954-432-2345
Fax:     +1 954-432-4141



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