QinetiQ2005-01-23 09:15:44

Contract won by QinetiQ and BAE SYSTEMS team for
Tornado F3 upgrade programme

QinetiQ has won a £5.5 million contract from BAE SYSTEMS to deliver key elements of the Tornado F3 ‘FSP programme' for the UK MOD. Shortly before Christmas, QinetiQ worked with BAE Systems to successfully secure a £25.5 million contract with MOD's Tornado IPT, in which BAE SYSTEMS will act as Prime and QinetiQ as sub-Prime. The two companies will deliver a number of activities in concert and within a tight timeframe.

FSP sets out to address a number of issues identified at the end of the AMRAAM Optimisation Programme (AOP), the last F3 upgrade programme. This is combined with a requirement to integrate the latest standards of air defence missiles. FSP is the lead project for the Tornado IPT "Capability Lean" initiative which, using innovative ideas results in a saving of over 30% to the MOD compared to a traditionally constructed project.

The key elements of FSP are:
- Integration of new standards of air defence missiles onto F3, namely AMRAAM AIM-120C5 and ASRAAM FOC2.
- Extension to ASRAAM carriage life through an environmental assessment programme.
- Enhancement of the air defence missile capability, particularly the displays, by a number of radar and main computer software changes.
- Introduction of a combination of new software and hardware to retain a Suppression of Enemy Air Defence (SEAD) capability on the FJWOEU aircraft.

The FSP Contract has been constructed around the concept of being able to ‘trade' requirements to ensure that cost and time remain fixed. Should any issues arise around the delivery of key items, any extra effort required will be off-set through re-prioritising less important requirements.

The majority of test and evaluation flying will be conducted on Fast Jet and Weapons Operational Evaluation Unit (FJWOEU) aircraft, using Operational Evaluation Unit (OEU) crews, within a Combined Trials Team based at RAF Coningsby and comprising industry and the MOD. This will allow simultaneous operational evaluation and development flying, ensuring that the ‘operators' perspective is incorporated early improving the finished product. This use of rapid prototyping techniques, with software taken straight from the vendors to flight trials (prior to formal qualification) will significantly speed up the programme.

For more information contact:
Cody Technology Park
Room G069, Building A 7
Cody Technology Park, Ively Road
GU14 0LX
United Kingdom
Tel:     +44(0)8700 100 942



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