The price-performance ratio for Eurofighter Typhoon clearly shows the outstanding benefits of operating this lean-manufactured aircraft. With its swing-role capability, the Eurofighter Typhoon can undertake a range of missions efficiently, with high survivability, easy maintenance, reliability and operational availability.






To reduce ownership cost over Eurofighter's in-service life of 25 years/ 6,000 flying hours, and to ensure maximum availability, the important areas of reliability, maintainability and testability have been given equal priority with performance and flight safety throughout the development programme.

To complement the powerful Integrated Onboard Test Evaluation and Recording System capability, a Ground Support System (GSS) is being developed to fully support the aircraft in its mission role and for maintenance and repair.

A small family of Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) has been conceived to reduce the reproduction of expensive Special to Type Test.

Wherever possible, standard commercially available software and "off the shelf" components shall be used.



  • <400 attributable defects/1000 flying hours
  • >0.95 probability of successful mission completion
  • >0.98 probability of autonomous engine start
  • <9 maintenance manhours per flying hour
  • 50% of defects rectified within
    45 mins
  • 95% of defects rectified within
    3 hours
  • Engine changes by 4 men in
    45 mins
  • <5% false alarm rate
  • 100% of safety critical failures
    will be detected
  • Before flight <15 mins/2 men
  • Turn round <15 mins/2 men
  • After flight <45 mins/2 men
Role Changes
  • <45 mins/3 men for any change






















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